Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


Cassava is a food made ​​from cassava or cassava tubers. The process is easy, cassava tubers that have been harvested and then peeled and dried. The dried cassava and then to the ground as the starch that can create different kinds of cakes. From cassava starch can then be made ​​into a savory rice tiwul. Rice is very popular with people living in the South Mountains that stretches from Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta for the district tiwul Pacitan.

Cassava Skin Benefits Benefits

Almost all parts of the cassava tree can be used starting from the root to the leaves. Cassava tubers are usually only for their meat and fried or boiled. While skin thrown away or made ​​food for cattle. Cassava peel long as it's often overlooked and considered a waste of cassava plants. In fact, skin cassava has a high carbohydrate content can also be consumed by humans. Percentage of the amount of waste the outer skin of 0.5 to 2% of the total weight of fresh cassava and wastewater inner skin of 8-15%. Trash cassava peel included in the category of organic waste can be degraded because of this trash (decayed / destroyed) naturally. Processing of cassava peel waste can be used as:
2.Feed livestock
3. Bio energy
4. Prepared Cuisine

Kriiukk ... ... Kriiukk Cassava Chips

Cassava or sweet potato chips are very much liked by all people, both young and old, among the lower or upper classes, as a snack food. Usually, cassava or yam chips is a food that is served to guests or as a friend to chat - chat. From a market share of this magnitude, so that cassava chips maker in Indonesia is very much emerging, but it is also because the process of making cassava chips that can be done the traditional way though.

Cassava chips with a variety of different flavor also appear, starting from the savory taste, sweet, sour, spicy, to the other flavor. Compared with tales chips, cassava chips are more preferred. Because the chips cost a bit more expensive tales, but tales of chips has a more savory flavor and crunchy than cassava chips.

Here's the process of making cassava chips taste yam:

1. Cassava has been taken, cleaned first, and peeled.
2. After that, the squash was chopped by a helicopter engine, so round, thin.
3.After in sliced​​, sweet potatoes, boiled for several hours (1-2 hours)
4.Then done soaking with water.
5.On dyeing process is mixing the spices - ingredients in accordance with the desired taste, spices such as: salt, garlic, etc..
6.After it, sweet potatoes or steamed back in steams with time taste. Until it looks slightly yellowish color - brass.
7.After evaporation process is completed, there is a frying pan

Cassava As a Field Business Potential

Cassava is a crop of the people who can say other than rice a staple food by the people of Indonesia. Not only the tubers are to be used or consumed, but the leaves, bark and trunk can also be utilized. When you can manage it properly, it could be this is a lucrative business opportunity for you.Cassava tubers in demand in almost every area of ​​the country, cassava tuber also known as a staple food in certain areas. In some areas, cassava (Manihot utilissima) is known by various names, such as sweet Kayee (Aceh), kasapen (Sunda), tela pohong (Java), tela belada (Madura), lame wood (Makassar), Pangala (Papua), and others. Cassava plant is very easy to grow. Plants originating from tropical America is widely planted in the yard, dikes, or rice. How to plant this crop, it can be done with old cassava stem cuttings.

According to a medicinal plant expert, Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, pharmacological effects of cassava is as an antioxidant, anticancer, antitumor, and increase appetite. Common part used in this plant is the leaves and tubers. For cassava tuber itself, in calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B and C, and starch. Cassava leaves contain vitamins A, B1 and C, calcium, calories, phosphorus, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and iron. While the bark contains tannin, peroxidase, glycosides, and calcium oxalate.

Potential of cassava plants are very diverse and rich certainly will benefit. When used as snacks can be processed into chips, snacks, vegetables, tape, cake, pudding, bread or a variety of other delicious dishes. It also has various properties as a drug. Among rheumatic drugs, headache, fever, wounds, diarrhea, intestinal worms, dysentery, night blindness, beri-beri and can increase stamina. Even cassava or cassava can also be made of cassava flour is tapioca flour that can be used to replace wheat flour, because flour is good for allergy sufferers.

So many benefits from cassava, in any processing not too difficult. Cassava is easily grown and very easy to obtain. This is what we can make the potential of cassava as a promising business field. A wide assortment of preparations of cassava are now many we met with varied shapes and flavors but also healthy. Like:

1.Chips cassava
3.Ice cream
7.Various kinds of cake
8.Mocaf or modification of cassava

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Cassava, also known as cassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of the Euphorbiaceae family. Tuber is widely known as a staple food-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetable.